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“Our team has the expertise to design a portfolio that reflects your personal preferences and returns required to successfully reach your goals.”

Connie Mack

Investment Services

RIA Advisors money management services is focused on the growth and preservation of our client’s wealth.

The investment process is an active asset management approach built around the client’s goals, objectives, risk tolerance, behavioral biases and specific “hurdle rate” which is derived from our unique approach to financial planning. The portfolio management approach is designed to deliver returns in a disciplined manner to both avoid dramatic market declines and the emotional biases which lead to poor long-term investment decisions.

> Read More About Money Management

Financial Planning

So, you’ve decided to undertake comprehensive financial planning because you’ve heard you should. But what exactly is a financial plan? A properly designed financial plan will cover important elements like retirement savings, insurance analysis and estate review; a qualified planner will target and outline specific areas of strength and weakness along with flexible, realistic routes to each financial goal. Also, the plan is a complete diagnostic of your money chemistry. And the numbers don’t lie. At times, it’s a validation, other times, an awakening. The RIA team is made up of six Certified Financial Planners™ who specialize in the following:
  1. Comprehensive financial goal planning and analysis.
  2. Social Security and Medicare planning.
  3. Tax-efficient retirement income roadmap.
  4. Strategic Roth conversion action plans.
  5. Guaranteed income planning.
  6. Life, property & casualty insurance mitigation analysis.
  7. Monitoring healthcare costs, long-term care costs and inflation.
  8. Forward-looking returns for every asset class to help clients prepare realistically.
RIA offers comprehensive financial planning as part of our asset-based money management fee. For those who require planning only, RIA offers the RIA Comprehensive Strategy – A holistic, comprehensive financial plan designed to be an ongoing roadmap to reach your financial needs, wants and wishes. Our strategy is customized based on our study of inflation, market returns and healthcare trends.  We also add a tax-efficient income strategy for retirement if our planning assessment requires. Want to understand the smart, tax-friendly method to re-create a retirement paycheck?  The comprehensive strategy may be suitable – $5,000.

Social Security

The RIA Advisors team brings deep expertise and knowledge in providing Social Security consultation to our clients. We draw upon our long experience in examining and determining the right strategy for each client in taking their Social Security benefits. As part of our Social Security consultation, we will tax-optimize your Social Security payouts to coordinate with distributions from other sources, including brokerage accounts, retirement plans and IRAs. We focus on helping clients understand the difference between conventional wisdom and optimizing their benefits and offer access to special tools, seminars and other resources to address key issues and common mistakes regarding Social Security. > Read More About Social Security

Medicare Planning

Understanding Medicare choices, timing and costs is essential to our clients’ life planning. RIA Advisors advisors have built a solid reputation in guiding our clients on examining their Medicare choices, timing and costs. For example, we review your Part A and Part B benefits, analyze your coverage options and costs, and compare various prescription drug and Medigap plan costs. We focus on helping you to meet your specific Medicare needs.

> Read More About Medicare Planning


RIA Advisors team of financial advisors guides small business owners and entities in solving the challenge of creating and managing 401K accounts for their employees. We understand the unique complexities that clients can face in setting up these accounts. We assist our clients in selecting investment options for their 401K platforms.

Best Practices for 401K Accounts

At RIA Advisors, we go the extra mile by educating our clients on their fiduciary responsibilities as business owners. We are adept at assisting our clients in adopting best practices to ensure they maintain their responsibilities and obligations. In addition, we provide 401K counseling and workshops for our clients’ employees.

Connie Mack’s certification as an Accredited Investment Fiduciary ensures that RIA Advisors follows a prudent process regarding investment practices and the implementation of policies and procedures for our clients’ 401K programs.

> Read More About 401K

Retirement Income Distribution Plan

You’ve spent years accumulating wealth.

Five to seven years from retirement is an excellent time to begin thinking about how to formulate a retirement distribution strategy.

In our analysis we will provide:

  • A distribution plan personally designed to help you generate a retirement paycheck in a tax-efficient manner-which may result in thousands of dollars in tax-savings over a lifetime of withdrawals.
  • An education on how to re-think retirement distributions that veer from outdated or conventional wisdom.
  • A plan that includes pre-retirement income strategies that outline how you may benefit from reducing the size of required minimum distributions and their tax implications.
  • An analysis of how Roth alternatives including surgical Roth conversions can reduce the tax bite in retirement and in some cases, reduce taxes paid on Social Security benefits and increases in Medicare’ Part B premiums.

> Read More About Retirement Income Distribution Plan

Operations & Administrative Practices

As a RIA Advisors client, you will find a financial advisor team that takes a one-on-one approach to ensure you understand every step of RIA Advisors planning and money management process. Our client-centered work culture is dedicated to providing attentive services to every client. We work with a sense of urgency in responding to your requests and questions.

RIA Advisors Operations and Administrative Services section is led by Operations Manager Michole Fields. She focuses on each client’s detailed needs to ensure that your transition to RIA Advisors is seamless, easy and transparent.

Custodians Safeguard Your Investments

RIA Advisors partners with Fidelity and T.D. Ameritrade, recognized as the most reputable and largest custodians to safeguard your investment assets. These firms provide account protection, secure online access, timely statement and tax forms delivery, and 24-hour phone support.

As an Accredited Investment Fiduciary, Connie Mack leads the RIA Advisors staff in following a prudent process regarding investment practices as well as implementing appropriate policies and procedures.

> Read More About Operation & Administrative Practices

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